
J Hall wrote: We have called for a vote against UKIP following a wide number of reports linking UKIP candidates to fascist groups including the BNP and EDL. Ralph Musgrave has proudly announced that he voted Ukip (HAS,in fights over drones,cheap burberry scarf,he said with a laugh.Reuters, 30 May) but what he didn't tell you is that he is a member of the Nazi BNP - this is very dangerous because Fascist groups have a history of violence and hatred against those that they target. Together with this UKIP is most definitely not the voice of the people - for example their manifesto in 2010 Ukip proposed a flat rate of income tax so the Billionairre would pay the same rate of tax as the brickie or the call centre worker. Ukip are currently removing their policies one by one from their web site so I'm not even sure whether they have any policies left! One of the most recent donors (Barclay who gave them ?2.2 million) to Ukip owns I/2 the Daily Telegraph and the Ritz Hotel.I find it amusing once again that Labour supporters are associating everyone who voted UKIP as being a Fascist! UKIP does not allow previous members of BNP to join - yet the Labour party has many former BNP members now elected as Labour Councillors (just do a quick Google) - pot/kettle Mr Hall - I suggest you sort out the Fascists in your own party before you throw stones at another who has their house in better order than your own! Do you want to list all of Labour's supporters/financial donors? I think not as that does not show your party in a good light!On your advice I indeed googled BNP members in the Labour party.

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